DOSIMETRY | Student Film 2024


I was director of photography for our Final group project in Film 232 - Production Lighting and Camera. Really learned how complicated it is to plan out entire set days for filming, and how unpredictable these environments can be. Spending 4 hours in a car at Tybee Island stuck due to flooding is not how I pictured a Saturday going, but I think the visuals speak for themselves. This project also earned me an A+ in the course.

hiraeth - A Short Film

For my first quarter at SCAD, I took Film 100, and was informed that for our final project, we would be creating a short film. Throughout the quarter, we would prepare a script, gather a cast, and film this ourselves with no outside assistance. Because of COVID restrictions, I enlisted my neighbors, close family members, and friends as my cast and crew; and although there were some setbacks and errors, the final project managed to turn out well enough to earn me an A+ in the course.

High School.

A compilation of all the various clips, skits, and scenery that defined these last four years for me. I’m grateful to the people I’ve met along the way, and the bonds I strengthened in High School. Nothing would be the same without them.